Monday, May 10, 2010

End of the Tunnel

Adoption Resources of Wisconsin (ARW), together with the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee’s Journalism and Mass Communication Strategic Campaigns class successfully completed the inaugural “Adoption is Good Business” awards luncheon last Wednesday, April 21.

For the past three months, these UWM students have been working closely with Marilyn Boeldt, director of development-communications and ARW to put on the event. Marilyn’s goal for the “Adoption is Good Business” awards luncheon was to raise awareness and support for adoption and foster care, develop new relationships with Milwaukee businesses, and recognize Brady Corporation for their outstanding adoption benefits.

The journalism and mass communication students assisted the non-profit organization by developing a strategic plan to accomplish these goals and objectives. The students spent hours working in media, public relations, research and creative teams where they developed a polished media kit, event invitations, advertisements, post event surveys, and new blog and Twitter accounts. After a great deal of hard work, UWM students and ARW staff were able to relax and watch as their hard work paid off this past Wednesday, April 21. Thanks to UWM’s journalism and mass communication strategic campaigns class, Adoption Resources of Wisconsin hosted an event that had a successful turnout, one that suggests support for adoption from many greater Milwaukee businesses.

Event Recap:
The event honored Brady Corporation, the winner of the 2010 “Adoption is Good Business” award. Brady Corporation was nominated based on their outstanding adoption benefits for employees. The award was accepted by Carole Herbstreit, Director of Corporate Communications

Also featured at the event was M.C., Bill Michaels; a well known reporter, director, anchor and sports talk show host; Colleen Ellingson, ARW’s chief executive officer, and Sean Tuohy, the “Adoption is Good Business” awards luncheon’s keynote speaker, adoptive parent and father of NFL player Michael Oher. Tuohy recognized and thanked all adoptive parents and commended ARW’s efforts in the greater Milwaukee area. Tuohy was also a charming speaker who humored and charmed guests from the beginning to end.

Thanks to Adoption Resources of Wisconsin, the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee’s journalism and mass communication strategic campaigns class, The Milwaukee Business Journal, and Sean Tuohy, the event was a complete success.